Support Provided by VAIA Technologies
VAIA Technologies offers a wide range of technical support from on-site visits with an experienced vision engineer to remote support to our newest offering of a VAIA Tech Tune Up. All of our systems come with a 60-day support window and we offer Ad-hoc support or support contracts depending on your needs and desires. Contact us to learn more about how we can support your machine vision applications or develop a new system for you: 774-206-5636.
Technical Support
Multi-Tiered: On-site and Remote VAIA Tech provides unparalleled support services. Two thirds of our business is repeat business. VAIA offers Multi-tiered technical support program for VAIA customers that may include:
- Web-based support interface
- Phone and Email support
- Remote Login and assistance through “gotoassist”
- Regional (local) support through employees and contractor partners
- On-Site Support from an experienced technician or vision engineer
- First “n” days of support are included in the project
- Same day response in most cases
Contact us directly for any machine vision support needs: 508.366.1106.
VAIA Tech System Tune Up
Tune up your system to gain peak performance Onsite vision system tune-up includes:
- Verification and testing of:
- sensor alignment
- camera alignment
- rejector alignment
- external communication to and from PLC or other controller
- discrete IO functions
- Optimization of:
- PC hard drive
- inspection parameters
- software (i.e., updating where necessary)
- Preventative maintenance:
- tighten wire and cable connections
- clean PC cooling system
- clean optics and lights
- Replace key parts:
- UPS battery
- stack light bulbs
- Complimentary 60 days of remote technical support
Contact us directly to learn more about this new offering: 508.366.1106. Download our VAIA Technologies Tune Up brochure.